5.Neural Networks & Simulations
6.Linux Kernel & Driver Development
RoadMap of NVDLA
0 先验知识
#Deep Learning回顾#之LeNet、AlexNet、GoogLeNet、VGG、ResNet
谷歌系列 :Inception v1到v4
Google Inception系列【2016-11-10】
GEM:GEM stands for Graphics Execution Manager and is a generic DRM memory-management framework in the kernel, that is used by many different drivers. Gem is designed to manage graphics memory, control access to the graphics device execution context and handle essentially NUMA environment unique to modern graphics hardware. Gem allows multiple applications to share graphics device resources without the need to constantly reload the entire graphics card. Data may be shared between multiple applications with gem ensuring that the correct memory synchronization occurs.
Read more at: https://www.commandlinux.com/man-page/man7/drm-gem.7.html
Google Protocol Buffer
Google Protocol Buffer( 简称 Protobuf) 是 Google 公司内部的混合语言数据标准,目前已经正在使用的有超过 48,162 种报文格式定义和超过 12,183 个 .proto 文件。他们用于 RPC 系统和持续数据存储系统。
Protocol Buffers 是一种轻便高效的结构化数据存储格式,可以用于结构化数据串行化,或者说序列化。它很适合做数据存储或 RPC 数据交换格式。可用于通讯协议、数据存储等领域的语言无关、平台无关、可扩展的序列化结构数据格式。目前提供了 C++、Java、Python 三种语言的 API。
Google Protocol Buffer 的使用和原理IBM的教程
1 测试例介绍
1.1 基本测试
1.1.1 sanity0
1.1.2. sanity1
1.1.3. sanity2
1.1.4. sanity3
1.1.5. sanity3_cvsram
1.2. 单功能测试
1.2.1. conv_8x8_fc_int16
完成一个卷积层(全连接层-fully-connected layer)的计算,数据类型为int16,输入特征为8x8x32,权值为16个8x8x32的向量,输出为16个int16的数值。具体可参见介绍CMAC的小节。
1.2.2. pdp_max_pooling_int16
1.2.3. sdp_relu_int16
1.3. 实例功能测试
1.3.1. googlenet_conv2_3x3_int16(30min)
1.3.2. cc_alexnet_conv5_relu5_int16_dtest_cvsram(156min)
1.3 测试格式
1.3.1. write_reg
write_reg <misc:16><addr:16><data:32>
Bit17:1-CSB MASTER等待wr_complete或者ERROR才发出下一条读写命令;0-不等待。
1.3.2. read_reg
read_reg <misc:16><addr:16><bitmask:32><expectedData:32>
1.3.3. write_mem
write_mem <addr:64><bytemask:16><wdata:128>
1.3.4. read_mem
read_mem <addr:64><bitmask:128><expectedData: 128>
1.3.5. load_mem/dump_mem
load_mem <addr:64><num_bytes:32><string>
dump_mem <addr:64><num_bytes:32><sting>
1.3.6. wait
四种中断方式,wait high/low/posedge/negedge dla_intr
1.4. 结束
2. 总线接口
2.1. Configuration Space Bus
控制总线CSB,即Configuration Space Bus,主要包括请求通道,读数据通道和写响应通道,包括12组信号线,具体信号线个数与所选择的AXI总线位宽有关。
请求通道,Request Channel,主要完成CSB Master对NVDLA的读写操作。其支持简单的valid/ready握手协议,地址位宽固定为16比特,数据位宽固定为32比特,且不支持burst操作,各个读写命令之间相互独立,不支持乱序完成和发射。
读数据通道,Read Data Channel,主要返回CSB Master读请求命令的数据,valid为高时,数据有效。也不支持乱序响应。
写响应通道,Write Response Channel,也遵循valid协议,针对no-posted模式,返回写响应信号,同时也不支持乱序响应。
2.2. Data Bus
同时为了隐藏配置NVDLA寄存器带来的延迟和增加的神经网络处理时间,NVDLA采用了ping-pong寄存器模式,在group0寄存器工作的同时,CSB Master可以配置下一层的group1寄存器。这里需要注意的是,为了简化硬件设计,NVDLA子模块间的工作时序以及启动的依赖关系,都是由软件负责,这也与TPU相类似。可见,仅流片NVDLA,是没有任何实际意义的。
3. 配置信息
序号 | 名称 | 可选项 | 备注 | |
001 | Data Type | B/int4/int8/int16/int32/fp16/fp32/fp64 | 功能模块支持的数据类型 | |
002 | Input image memory formats | Planar images/semi-planar images/other format | ||
003 | Weight compression | |||
004 | Winograd convolution | |||
005 | Batched convolution | |||
006 | Convolution buffer size | bank-num:2-32,bank-size:4KiB-8KiB | ||
007 | MAC array size | C:8-64;K:4-64 | ||
008 | Second memory interface | SRAM接口 | ||
009 | Non-linear activation functions | 非线性函数,LUT实现 | ||
010 | Activation engine size | 每拍输出个数1-16 | ||
011 | Bridge DMA engine | |||
012 | Data reshape engine | |||
013 | Pooling engine size | 1-4 | ||
014 | Pooling engine presence | |||
015 | Local response normalization engine presence | |||
016 | Local response normalization engine size | 每拍输出1-4 | ||
017 | Memory interface bit width | |||
018 | Memory read latency tolerance |
- For NV_LARGE Memory Map
DLA Sub-unit | Start Address | End Address | Size(KiB) |
CFGROM | 0x0000_0000 | 0x0000_0FFF | 4 |
GLB | 0x0000_1000 | 0x0000_1FFF | 4 |
MCIF | 0x0000_2000 | 0x0000_2FFF | 4 |
SRAMIF | 0x0000_3000 | 0x0000_3FFF | 4 |
CDMA | 0x0000_4000 | 0x0000_4FFF | 4 |
CSC | 0x0000_5000 | 0x0000_5FFF | 4 |
CMAC_A | 0x0000_6000 | 0x0000_6FFF | 4 |
CMAC_B | 0x0000_7000 | 0x0000_7FFF | 4 |
CACC | 0x0000_8000 | 0x0000_8FFF | 4 |
SDP_RDMA | 0x0000_9000 | 0x0000_9FFF | 4 |
SDP | 0x0000_A000 | 0x0000_AFFF | 4 |
PDP_RDMA | 0x0000_B000 | 0x0000_BFFF | 4 |
PDP | 0x0000_C000 | 0x0000_CFFF | 4 |
CDP_RDMA | 0x0000_D000 | 0x0000_DFFF | 4 |
CDP | 0x0000_E000 | 0x0000_EFFF | 4 |
BDMA | 0x0000_F000 | 0x0000_FFFF | 4 |
RUBIK | 0x0001_0000 | 0x0001_0FFF | 4 |
Total 68KB.
- For NV_SMALL Memory Map
DLA Sub-unit | Start Address | End Address | Size(KiB) |
CFGROM | 0x0000_0000 | 0x0000_0FFF | 4 |
GLB | 0x0000_1000 | 0x0000_1FFF | 4 |
MCIF | 0x0000_2000 | 0x0000_2FFF | 4 |
CDMA | 0x0000_3000 | 0x0000_3FFF | 4 |
CSC | 0x0000_4000 | 0x0000_4FFF | 4 |
CMAC_A | 0x0000_5000 | 0x0000_5FFF | 4 |
CMAC_B | 0x0000_6000 | 0x0000_6FFF | 4 |
CACC | 0x0000_7000 | 0x0000_7FFF | 4 |
SDP_RDMA | 0x0000_8000 | 0x0000_8FFF | 4 |
SDP | 0x0000_9000 | 0x0000_9FFF | 4 |
PDP_RDMA | 0x0000_A000 | 0x0000_AFFF | 4 |
PDP | 0x0000_B000 | 0x0000_BFFF | 4 |
CDP_RDMA | 0x0000_C000 | 0x0000_CFFF | 4 |
CDP | 0x0000_D000 | 0x0000_DFFF | 4 |
Total 56KB.
- For NV_SMALL_256 Memory Map
3.1 CDMA配置寄存器
CDMA作为Convolution流水线的一环,从SRAM和DRAM中读取数据,并存入CBUF中。CDMA支持多种格式的数据输入,包括Pixel data /Feature data /Uncompressed/compressed weight /WMB /WGS等。CDMA具有两个读通道,AXI接口协议,分别完成数据和权值的读取。CDMA的只发出读请求,且64位对齐访问。
- 1.检查CBUF是否有足够的剩余空间存放读取的数据
- 2.发起读数据请求
- 3.将数据暂存在共享存储器中
- 4.根据配置,将数据的顺序重新摆放
- 5.发起CBUF的写入请求
- 6.将整理后的数据写入CBUF
- 7.更新CBUF的相关状态寄存器,以供CDMA查阅
3.1.1 寄存器描述
Name | Address | Bits Function | Description |
S_STATUS | 0x5000 | [17:16]-status1;[1:0]-status0 | Idle status of two register groups |
S_POINTER | 0x5004 | [16]-consumer;[0]-producer | Pointer for CSB master and data path to access groups |
S_ARBITER | 0x5008 | [19:16]-arb_wmb;[3:0]-arb_weight | WMB and Weight share same port to access external memory.This register controls the weight factor in the arbiter. |
S_CBUF_FLUSH_STATUS | 0x500c | [0]-flush_done | Indicates whether CBUF flush is finished after reset. |
D_OP_ENABLE | 0x5010 | — | Set it to 1 to kick off operation for current register group |
D_MISC_CFG | 0x5014 | [29]-skip_weight_rls;[24]-skip_data_rls;[20]-weight_reuse;[16]-data_reuse;[13:12]-proc_precison;[5:4]-in_precison;[0]-conv_mode | Configuration of operation: convolution mode, precision, weight reuse, data reuse. |
D_DATAIN_FORMAT | 0x5018 | [16]-pixel_sign_override;[12]-pixel_mapping;[9:8]-pixel_format;[0]-datain_format | Input data format and pixel format |
D_DATAIN_SIZE_0 | 0x501c | [28:16]-height;[12:0]-width | Input cube’s width and height |
D_DATAIN_SIZE_1 | 0x5020 | [12:0]-channel | Input cube’s channel |
D_DATAIN_SIZE_EXT_0 | 0x5024 | [28:16]-height_ext;[12:0]-width_ext | Input cube’s width and height after extension |
D_PIXEL_OFFSET | 0x5028 | [18:16]-y_offset;[4:0]-x_offset | For image-in mode, horizontal offset and vertical offset of the 1 st pixel. |
D_DAIN_RAM_TYPE | 0x502c | [0]-type | Ram type of input RAM |
D_DAIN_ADDR_HIGH_0 | 0x5030 | [31:0]-high_addr | Higher 32bits of input data address when axi araddr is 64bits |
D_DAIN_ADDR_LOW_0 | 0x5034 | [31:0]-low_addr | Lower 32bits of input data address |
D_DAIN_ADDR_HIGH_1 | 0x5038 | [31:0]-high_addr | Higher 32bits of input data address of UV plane when axi araddr is 64bits |
D_DAIN_ADDR_LOW_1 | 0x503c | [31:0]-low_addr | Lower 32bits of input data address of UV plane |
D_LINE_STRIDE | 0x5040 | [31:0]-line_stride | Line stride of input cube |
D_LINE_UV_STRIDE | 0x5044 | [31:0]-uv_stride | Line stride of input cube’s UV plane |
D_SURF_STRIDE | 0x5048 | [31:0]-surf_stride | Surface stride of input cube |
D_DAIN_MAP | 0x504c | [16]-surf_packed;[0]-line_packed | Whether input cube is line packed or surface packed |
RESERVED | 0x5050 | — | This address is reserved |
RESERVED | 0x5054 | — | This address is reserved |
D_BATCH_NUMBER | 0x5058 | [4:0]-batch_num | Number of batches |
D_BATCH_STRIDE | 0x505c | [31:0]-batch_stride | The stride of input data cubes when batches > 1 |
D_ENTRY_PER_SLICE | 0x5060 | [13:0]-entry_per_slice | Number of CBUF entries used for one input slice |
D_FETCH_GRAIN | 0x5064 | [11:0]-fetch_grain | Number of slices to be fetched before sending update information to CSC |
D_WEIGHT_FORMAT | 0x5068 | [0]-weight_format | Whether weight is compressed or not |
D_WEIGHT_SIZE_0 | 0x506c | [17:0]-kernel_bytes | The size of one kernel in bytes |
D_WEIGHT_SIZE_1 | 0x5070 | [12:0]-kernel_num | Number of kernels |
D_WEIGHT_RAM_TYPE | 0x5074 | [0]-ram_type | Ram type of weight |
D_WEIGHT_ADDR_HIGH | 0x5078 | [31:0]-high_addr | Higher 32bits of weight address when axi araddr is 64bits |
D_WEIGHT_ADDR_LOW | 0x507c | [31:0]-low_addr | Lower 32bits of weight address |
D_WEIGHT_BYTES | 0x5080 | [31:0]-weight_bytes | Total bytes of Weight |
D_WGS_ADDR_HIGH | 0x5084 | [31:0]-high_addr | Higher 32bits of wgs address when axi araddr is 64bits |
D_WGS_ADDR_LOW | 0x5088 | [31:0]-low_addr | Lower 32bits of wgs address |
D_WMB_ADDR_HIGH | 0x508c | [31:0]-high_addr | Higher 32bits of wmb address when axi araddr is 64bits |
D_WMB_ADDR_LOW | 0x5090 | [31:0]-low_addr | Lower 32bits of wmb address |
D_WMB_BYTES | 0x5094 | [27:0]-wmb_bytes | Total bytes of WMB |
D_MEAN_FORMAT | 0x5098 | [0]-mean_format | Whether mean registers are used or not |
D_MEAN_GLOBAL_0 | 0x509c | [31:16]-mean_gu;[15:0]-mean_ry | Global mean value for red in RGB or Y in YUV Global mean value for green in RGB or U in YUV |
D_MEAN_GLOBAL_1 | 0x50a0 | [31:16]-mean_ax;[15:0]-mean_by | Global mean value for blue in RGB or V in YUV Global mean value for alpha in ARGB/AYUV or X in XRGB |
D_CVT_CFG | 0x50a4 | [9:4]-cvt_truncate;[0]-cvt_en | Enable/disable input data converter in CDMA and number of bits to be truncated in the input data converter |
D_CVT_OFFSET | 0x50a8 | [15:0]-cvt_offset | Offset of input data convertor |
D_CVT_SCALE | 0x50ac | [15:0]-cvt_scale | Scale of input data convertor |
D_CONV_STRIDE | 0x50b0 | [18:16]-conv_y_stride;[2:0]-conv_x_stride | Convolution x stride and convolution y stride |
D_ZERO_PADDING | 0x50b4 | [29:24]-bottom;[20:16]-top;[13:8]-right;[4:0]-left | Left/right/top/bottom padding size |
D_ZERO_PADDING_VALUE | 0x50b8 | [15:0]-pad_value | Padding value |
D_BANK | 0x50bc | [20:16]-weight_bank;[4:0]-data_bank | Number of data banks and weight banks in CBUF |
D_NAN_FLUSH_TO_ZERO | 0x50c0 | [0]-flush_to_zero | Enable/Disable flushing input NaN to zero |
D_NAN_INPUT_DATA_NUM | 0x50c4 | [31:0]-read_only | Count NaN number in input data cube, update per layer |
D_NAN_INPUT_WEIGHT_NUM | 0x50c8 | [31:0]-read_only | Count NaN number in weight kernels, update per layer |
D_INF_INPUT_DATA_NUM | 0x50cc | [31:0]-read_only | Count infinity number in input data cube, update per layer |
D_INF_INPUT_WEIGHT_NUM | 0x50d0 | [31:0]-read_only | Count infinity number in weight kernels, update per layer |
D_PERF_ENABLE | 0x50d4 | [0]-perf_en | Enable/disable performance counter |
D_PERF_DAT_READ_STALL | 0x50d8 | [31:0]-read_only | Count blocking cycles of read request of input data, update per layer |
D_PERF_WT_READ_STALL | 0x50dc | [31:0]-read_only | Count blocking cycles of read request of weight data, update per layer |
D_PERF_DAT_READ_LATENCY | 0x50e0 | [31:0]-read_only | Count total latency cycles of read response of input data, update per layer |
D_PERF_WT_READ_LATENCY | 0x50e4 | [31:0]-read_only | Count total latency cycles of read request of weight data, update per layer |
D_CYA | 0x50e8 | — | — |
3.1.2 使用示例
3.2 CACC配置寄存器
- 从部分和暂存单元(组装单元)中进行数据预取
- 预取完成,将部分和送入加法器阵列进行累加;如果是初次计算,则部分和为0
- 收集累加和
- 将新生产的累加和送入暂存单元
- 重复1-3步,直到一个通道的数据完成
- 将本通道的计算结果进行饱和处理
- 将不同通道的数据送入发送单元的缓存区
- 将结果送入SDP单元
Input Format | Accumulative Sum | Truncated Result |
INT8 | INT34 | INT32 |
INT16 | INT48 | INT32 |
FP16 | FP44 (8b exponent, 38b signed decimal) | FP32 (IEEE754 standard) |
Input Format and Mode | Activated INT48 Adders | Activated INT34 Adders | Activated FP44 Adders |
INT8 DC/Image | Adder 0~15 | Adder 0~15 | NA |
INT8 Winograd | Adder 0~63 | Adder 0~63 | NA |
INT16 DC/Image | Adder 0~15 | NA | NA |
INT16 Winograd | Adder 0~63 | NA | NA |
FP16 DC/Image | NA | NA | Adder 0~15 |
FP16 Winograd | NA | NA | Adder 0~63 |
卷积模式 | INT8 | INT16/FP16 |
DC | 136Bx128 | 96Bx128 |
Winograd | 544Bx32 | 384Bx32 |
3.2.1 寄存器描述
Name | Address | Bits Function | Description |
S_STATUS | 0x9000 | – | Idle status of two register groups |
S_POINTER | 0x9004 | – | Pointer for CSB master and data path to access groups |
D_OP_ENABLE | 0x9008 | – | Set it to 1 to kick off operation for current register group |
D_MISC_CFG | 0x900c | [0]-conv_mode;[13:12]-proc_precision | Configuration of operation: convolution mode, precision, etc. |
D_DATAOUT_SIZE_0 | 0x9010 | [12:0]-dataout_width;[28:16]-dataout_height | Input cube’s width and height after extension |
D_DATAOUT_SIZE_1 | 0x9014 | [12:0]-dataout_channel | Input cube’s channel after extension |
D_DATAOUT_ADDR | 0x9018 | [31:5]-dataout_addr | Address of output cube |
D_BATCH_NUMBER | 0x901c | [4:0]-batches | Number of batches |
D_LINE_STRIDE | 0x9020 | [23:5]-line_stride | Line stride of output cube |
D_SURF_STRIDE | 0x9024 | [23:5]-surf_stride | Line stride of surface cube |
D_DATAOUT_MAP | 0x9028 | [0]-line_packed;[16]-surf_packed | Whether output cube is line packed or surface packed |
D_CLIP_CFG | 0x902c | [4:0]-clip_truncate | Number of bits to be truncated before sending to SDP |
D_OUT_SATURATION | 0x9030 | – | Output saturation count |
D_CYA | 0x9034 | ??? | ??? |
3.2.2 使用示例
在BVLC的model zoo中,lenet的实现是跟原始版本不一样的,在BVLC版本的Lenet中,存在四处使用CACC的地方,分别是卷积层1和卷积层2,以及全连接层1和全连接层2.对于配置寄存器中dataout相关信息的配置分别如下:
Num. | dataout_width | dataout_height | dataout_channel |
1 | 0x17 | 0x17 | 0x13 |
2 | 0x7 | 0x7 | 0x31 |
3 | 0x0 | 0x0 | 0x1f3 |
4 | 0x0 | 0x0 | 0x9 |
3.3 CMAC配置寄存器
在winograd模式下,CMAC还完成POA的操作。CMAC单元内部集成了16个相同的子模块,成为CMAC Cell。每个CMAC Cell包括64个16bit乘累加器,支持int16和FP16计算,且包括72个加法器,完成POA操作。对于int8计算,每个计算部件可以分成2个。CMAC计算单元包括7级流水。
3.3.1 寄存器描述
- CMAC_A Registers
Name | Address | Bits Function | Description |
S_STATUS | 0x7000 | — | Idle status of two register groups |
S_POINTER | 0x7004 | —- | Pointer for CSB master and data path to access groups |
D_OP_ENABLE | 0x7008 | — | Set it to 1 to kick off operation for current register group |
D_MISC_CFG | 0x700c | [0]-conv_mode;[13:12]-proc_precision | Configuration of operation: convolution mode, precision, etc. |
- CMAC_B Registers
Name | Address | Bits Function | Description |
S_STATUS | 0x8000 | — | Idle status of two register groups |
S_POINTER | 0x8004 | —- | Pointer for CSB master and data path to access groups |
D_OP_ENABLE | 0x8008 | — | Set it to 1 to kick off operation for current register group |
D_MISC_CFG | 0x800c | [0]-conv_mode;[13:12]-proc_precision | Configuration of operation: convolution mode, precision, etc. |
3.4 CSC配置寄存器
3.4.1 寄存器描述
Name | Address | Bits Function | Description |
S_STATUS | 0x6000 | — | Idle status of two register groups |
S_POINTER | 0x6004 | — | Pointer for CSB master and data path to access groups |
D_OP_ENABLE | 0x6008 | — | Set it to 1 to kick off operation for current register group |
D_MISC_CFG | 0x600c | [0]-conv_mode;[9:8]-in_precision;[13:12]-proc_precision;[16]-data_reuse;[20]-weight_reuse;[24]-skip_data_rls;[28]-skip_weight_rls | Configuration of operation: convolution mode, precision, weight reuse, data reuse. |
D_DATAIN_FORMAT | 0x6010 | [0]-datain_format | Input data format and pixel format |
D_DATAIN_SIZE_EXT_0 | 0x6014 | [12:0]-datain_width_ext;[28:16]-datain_height_ext; | Input cube’s width and height after extension |
D_DATAIN_SIZE_EXT_1 | 0x6018 | [12:0]-datain_channel_ext | Input cube’s channel after extension |
D_BATCH_NUMBER | 0x601c | [4:0]-batches | Number of batches |
D_POST_Y_EXTENSION | 0x6020 | [1:0]-y_extension | Post extension parameter for image-in |
D_ENTRY_PER_SLICE | 0x6024 | [11:0]-entries | Number of CBUF entries used for one input slice |
D_WEIGHT_FORMAT | 0x6028 | [0]-weight_format | Whether weight is compressed or not |
D_WEIGHT_SIZE_EXT_0 | 0x602c | [4:0]-weight_width_ext;[20:16]-weight_height_ext | Weight’s width and height after extension |
D_WEIGHT_SIZE_EXT_1 | 0x6030 | [12:0]-weight_channel_ext;[28:16]-weight_kernel | Weight’s channel after extension and number of weight kernels |
D_WEIGHT_BYTES | 0x6034 | [31:7]-weight_bytes | Total bytes of Weight |
D_WMB_BYTES | 0x6038 | [27:7]-wmb_bytes | Total bytes of WMB |
D_DATAOUT_SIZE_0 | 0x603c | [12:0]-dataout_width;[28:16]-dataout_height; | Output cube’s width and height |
D_DATAOUT_SIZE_1 | 0x6040 | [12:0]-dataout_channel | Output cube’s channel |
D_ATOMICS | 0x6044 | [20:0]-atomics | Equals to output_data_cube_width * output_data_cube_height - 1 |
D_RELEASE | 0x6048 | [11:0]-rls_slices | Slices of CBUF to be released at the end of current layer |
D_CONV_STRIDE_EXT | 0x604c | [2:0]-conv_x_stride_ext;[18:16]-conv_y_stride_ext | Convolution x stride and convolution y stride after extension |
D_DILATION_EXT | 0x6050 | [4:0]-x_dilation_ext;[20:16]-y_dilation_ext | Dilation parameter |
D_ZERO_PADDING | 0x6054 | [4:0]-pad_left;[20:16]-pad_top | Left/right/top/bottom padding size |
D_ZERO_PADDING_VALUE | 0x6058 | [15:0]-pad_value | Padding value |
D_BANK | 0x605c | [3:0]-data_bank;[19:16]-weight_bank | Number of data banks and weight banks in CBUF |
D_PRA_CFG | 0x6060 | [1:0]-pra_truncate | PRA truncate in Winograd mode, range: 0~2 |
D_CYA | 0x6064 | — | CYA ??? |
3.4.2 使用示例
在BVLC的model zoo中,lenet的实现是跟原始版本不一样的,在BVLC版本的Lenet中,存在四处使用CACC的地方,分别是卷积层1和卷积层2,以及全连接层1和全连接层2。为了使得文档简洁,这里只针对conv1层中所使用的weight和datain的配置信息分别如下:
Num. | datain_width | datain_height | datain_channel |
1 | 0x1b | 0x1b | 0x0 |
2 | 0xb | 0xb | 0x13 |
3 | 0x3 | 0x3 | 0x31 |
4 | 0x0 | 0x0 | 0x1f3 |
Num. | weight_width_ext | weight_height_ext | weight_channel_ext | weight_kernel |
1 | 0x4 | 0x4 | 0x0 | 0x13 |
2 | 0x4 | 0x4 | 0x13 | 0x31 |
3 | 0x3 | 0x3 | 0x31 | 0x1f3 |
4 | 0x0 | 0x0 | 0x1f3 | 0x9 |
3.5 SDP配置寄存器
3.5.1 寄存器描述
Name | Address | Bits Function | Description |
S_STATUS | 0xb000 | Idle status of two register groups | |
S_POINTER | 0xb004 | Pointer for CSB master and data path to access groups | |
S_LUT_ACCESS_CFG | 0xb008 | LUT access address and type | |
S_LUT_ACCESS_DATA | 0xb00c | Data register of read or write LUT | |
S_LUT_CFG | 0xb010 | LUT’s type: exponent or linear. And the selection between LE and LO tables. | |
S_LUT_INFO | 0xb014 | LE and LO LUT index offset and selection | |
S_LUT_LE_START | 0xb018 | Start of LE LUT’s range | |
S_LUT_LE_END | 0xb01c | End of LE LUT’s range | |
S_LUT_LO_START | 0xb020 | Start of LO LUT’s range | |
S_LUT_LO_END | 0xb024 | End of LO LUT’s range | |
S_LUT_LE_SLOPE_SCALE | 0xb028 | Slope scale parameter for LE LUT underflow and overflow, signed value | |
S_LUT_LE_SLOPE_SHIFT | 0xb02c | Slope shift parameter for LE_LUT underflow and overflow, signed value | |
S_LUT_LO_SLOPE_SCALE | 0xb030 | Slope scale parameter for LO LUT underflow and overflow, signed value | |
S_LUT_LO_SLOPE_SHIFT | 0xb034 | Slope shift parameter for LO_LUT underflow and overflow, signed value | |
D_OP_ENABLE | 0xb038 | Set it to 1 to kick off operation for current register group | |
D_DATA_CUBE_WIDTH | 0xb03c | Input cube’s width | |
D_DATA_CUBE_HEIGHT | 0xb040 | Input cube’s height | |
D_DATA_CUBE_CHANNEL | 0xb044 | Input cube’s channel | |
D_DST_BASE_ADDR_LOW | 0xb048 | Lower 32bits of output data address | |
D_DST_BASE_ADDR_HIGH | 0xb04c | Higher 32bits of output data address when axi awaddr is 64bits | |
D_DST_LINE_STRIDE | 0xb050 | Line stride of output data cube | |
D_DST_SURFACE_STRIDE | 0xb054 | Surface stride of output data cube | |
D_DP_BS_CFG | 0xb058 | Configurations of BS module: bypass, algorithm, etc. | |
D_DP_BS_ALU_CFG | 0xb05c | Source type and shifter value of BS ALU | |
D_DP_BS_ALU_SRC_VALUE | 0xb060 | Operand value of BS ALU | |
D_DP_BS_MUL_CFG | 0xb064 | Source type and shifter value of BS MUL | |
D_DP_BS_MUL_SRC_VALUE | 0xb068 | Operand value of BS MUL | |
D_DP_BN_CFG | 0xb06c | Configurations of BN module: bypass, algorithm, etc. | |
D_DP_BN_ALU_CFG | 0xb070 | Source type and shifter value of BN ALU | |
D_DP_BN_ALU_SRC_VALUE | 0xb074 | Operand value of BN ALU | |
D_DP_BN_MUL_CFG | 0xb078 | Source type and shifter value of BN MUL | |
D_DP_BN_MUL_SRC_VALUE | 0xb07c | Operand value of BN MUL | |
D_DP_EW_CFG | 0xb080 | Configurations of EW module: bypass, algorithm, etc. | |
D_DP_EW_ALU_CFG | 0xb084 | Source type and bypass control of EW ALU | |
D_DP_EW_ALU_SRC_VALUE | 0xb088 | Operand value of EW ALU | |
D_DP_EW_ALU_CVT_OFFSET_VALUE | 0xb08c | Converter offset of EW ALU | |
D_DP_EW_ALU_CVT_SCALE_VALUE | 0xb090 | Converter scale of EW ALU | |
D_DP_EW_ALU_CVT_TRUNCATE_VALUE | 0xb094 | Converter truncate of EW ALU | |
D_DP_EW_MUL_CFG | 0xb098 | Source type and bypass control of EW MUL | |
D_DP_EW_MUL_SRC_VALUE | 0xb09c | Operand value of EW MUL | |
D_DP_EW_MUL_CVT_OFFSET_VALUE | 0xb0a0 | Converter offset of EW MUL | |
D_DP_EW_MUL_CVT_SCALE_VALUE | 0xb0a4 | Converter scale of EW MUL | |
D_DP_EW_MUL_CVT_TRUNCATE_VALUE | 0xb0a8 | Converter truncate of EW MUL | |
D_DP_EW_TRUNCATE_VALUE | 0xb0ac | Truncate of EW | |
D_FEATURE_MODE_CFG | 0xb0b0 | Operation configuration: flying mode, output destination, Direct or Winograd mode, flush NaN to zero, batch number. | |
D_DST_DMA_CFG | 0xb0b4 | Destination RAM type | |
D_DST_BATCH_STRIDE | 0xb0b8 | Stride of output cubes in batch mode | |
D_DATA_FORMAT | 0xb0bc | Data precision | |
D_CVT_OFFSET | 0xb0c0 | Output converter offset | |
D_CVT_SCALE | 0xb0c4 | Output converter scale | |
D_CVT_SHIFT | 0xb0c8 | Output converter shifter value | |
D_STATUS | 0xb0cc | Output of equal mode | |
D_STATUS_NAN_INPUT_NUM | 0xb0d0 | Input NaN element number | |
D_STATUS_INF_INPUT_NUM | 0xb0d4 | Input Infinity element number | |
D_STATUS_NAN_OUTPUT_NUM | 0xb0d8 | Output NaN element number | |
D_PERF_ENABLE | 0xb0dc | Enable/Disable performance counting | |
D_PERF_WDMA_WRITE_STALL | 0xb0e0 | Count stall cycles of write DMA for one layer | |
D_PERF_LUT_UFLOW | 0xb0e4 | Element number of both table underflow | |
D_PERF_LUT_OFLOW | 0xb0e8 | Element number of both table overflow | |
D_PERF_OUT_SATURATION | 0xb0ec | Element number of both table saturation | |
D_PERF_LUT_HYBRID | 0xb0f0 | Element number of both hit, or both miss situation that element underflow one table and at the same time overflow the other. | |
D_PERF_LUT_LE_HIT | 0xb0f4 | Element number of only LE table hit | |
D_PERF_LUT_LO_HIT | 0xb0f8 | Element number of only LO table hit |
3.6 CDP配置寄存器
CDP模块主要完成LRN(Local Response Normalization)的功能,主要是为了侧抑制(Lateral inhibition),侧抑制是神经系统信息处理的基本原则之一,在2012年AlexNet论文中首次用于CNN网络,然而后来研究人员发现(暂时),这一层的功能并不突出,对网络性能的提升作用不大。可以参考these kinds of layers have a minimal impact。
3.6.1 寄存器描述
Name | Address | Bits Function | Description |
S_STATUS | 0xf000 | Idle status of two register groups | |
S_POINTER | 0xf004 | Pointer for CSB master and data path to access groups | |
S_LUT_ACCESS_CFG | 0xf008 | [17]-read/write, [16]-Table ID LE/LO, [0-15]-addr | LUT access address and type |
S_LUT_ACCESS_DATA | 0xf00c | [0-15]-data | Data register of read or write LUT |
S_LUT_CFG | 0xf010 | LUT’s type: exponent or linear. And the selection between LE and LO tables. | |
S_LUT_INFO | 0xf014 | LE and LO LUT index offset and selection | |
S_LUT_LE_START_LOW | 0xf018 | Lower 32bits of start of LE LUT’s range | |
S_LUT_LE_START_HIGH | 0xf01c | Higher 6bits of start of LE LUT’s range | |
S_LUT_LE_END_LOW | 0xf020 | Lower 32bits of end of LE LUT’s range | |
S_LUT_LE_END_HIGH | 0xf024 | Higher 6bits of end of LE LUT’s range | |
S_LUT_LO_START_LOW | 0xf028 | Lower 32bits of start of LO LUT’s range | |
S_LUT_LO_START_HIGH | 0xf02c | Higher 6bits of start of LO LUT’s range | |
S_LUT_LO_END_LOW | 0xf030 | Lower 32bits of end of LO LUT’s range | |
S_LUT_LO_END_HIGH | 0xf034 | Higher 6bits of end of LO LUT’s range | |
S_LUT_LE_SLOPE_SCALE | 0xf038 | Slope scale parameter for LE LUT underflow and overflow, signed value | |
S_LUT_LE_SLOPE_SHIFT | 0xf03c | Slope shift parameter for LE_LUT underflow and overflow, signed value | |
S_LUT_LO_SLOPE_SCALE | 0xf040 | Slope scale parameter for LO LUT underflow and overflow, signed value | |
S_LUT_LO_SLOPE_SHIFT | 0xf044 | Slope shift parameter for LO_LUT underflow and overflow, signed value | |
D_OP_ENABLE | 0xf048 | Set it to 1 to kick off operation for current register group | |
D_FUNC_BYPASS | 0xf04c | Square sum process bypass control and multiplier after interpolator bypass control | |
D_DST_BASE_ADDR_LOW | 0xf050 | Lower 32bits of output data address | |
D_DST_BASE_ADDR_HIGH | 0xf054 | Higher 32bits of output data address when axi awaddr is 64bits | |
D_DST_LINE_STRIDE | 0xf058 | Line stride of output cube | |
D_DST_SURFACE_STRIDE | 0xf05c | Surface stride of output cube | |
D_DST_DMA_CFG | 0xf060 | RAM type of output data cube | |
D_DST_COMPRESSION_EN | 0xf064 | This register is not used in OpenDLA 1.0 | |
D_DATA_FORMAT | 0xf068 | Precision of input data | |
D_NAN_FLUSH_TO_ZERO | 0xf06c | Option to flush input NaN to zero | |
D_LRN_CFG | 0xf070 | Normalization length | |
D_DATIN_OFFSET | 0xf074 | Input data convertor offset | |
D_DATIN_SCALE | 0xf078 | Input data convertor scale | |
D_DATIN_SHIFTER | 0xf07c | Input data convertor shifter value | |
D_DATOUT_OFFSET | 0xf080 | Output data convertor offset | |
D_DATOUT_SCALE | 0xf084 | Output data convertor scale | |
D_DATOUT_SHIFTER | 0xf088 | Output data convertor shifter value | |
D_NAN_INPUT_NUM | 0xf08c | input NaN element number | |
D_INF_INPUT_NUM | 0xf090 | input Infinity element number | |
D_NAN_OUTPUT_NUM | 0xf094 | output NaN element number | |
D_OUT_SATURATION | 0xf098 | saturated element number. | |
D_PERF_ENABLE | 0xf09c | Enable/Disable performance counting | |
D_PERF_WRITE_STALL | 0xf0a0 | Element number that for both LUT under-flow | |
D_PERF_LUT_UFLOW | 0xf0a4 | Element number that for both LUT under-flow | |
D_PERF_LUT_OFLOW | 0xf0a8 | Element number that for both LUT over-flow | |
D_PERF_LUT_HYBRID | 0xf0ac | Element number that for both LUT miss, one is over-flow and the other is overflow | |
D_PERF_LUT_LE_HIT | 0xf0b0 | Element number that for LE_lut hit only | |
D_PERF_LUT_LO_HIT | 0xf0b4 | Element number that for LO_lut hit only |
3.6.2 简述
4. 软件栈Software Stack
4.1 编译器和运行时环境介绍
./nvdla_compiler [-options] –prototxt
./nvdla_runtime [-options] –loadable
where options include:
-h print this help message
-s launch test in server mode
4.1.1 编译器-Parser
- NVDLA的前端编译器包括解析器和编译器,解析器是relatively simple tool to parse pre-trained models reads a pre-trained Caffe model,creates a suitable representation of the network as a set of layers。
- TensorFlow, Theano, etc(需要改进)
- detect malformed networks with breaks/loops
- corrupt trained data whose layout doesn’t fit well
4.1.2 编译器-Compiler
- 编译器-Compiler,takes the Parser’s output as its input,converts it into a set of hardware layers;
- a directed graph,nodes representing the network operations(节点),edges representing the intermediate tensors between the operations(边)
- responsible to determine memory requirements for that layer(存储需求)
- responsible for quantizing higher precision trained models into lower precisions(精度)
- determining memory allocations for the quantized weights during inferencing(分配)
4.1.3 运行时环境
each compiled “layer” in software is loadable on a functional block
- dependencies on other layers
- buffers that it uses for inputs and outputs in memory
- specific configuration of each functional block used for its execution
- linked together through a dependency graph
- format of an NVDLA Loadable is standardized across compiler implementations and UMD implementations
- Both the UMD stack and the KMD stack exist as defined APIs, wrapped with a system portability layer
4.1.4 UMD
UMD是main interface to the application,loads loadable可执行文件,且submits inference jobs to the KMD。 UMD的主要任务
- processing loadable images,
- binding input and output tensors to memory locations
- submitting inference jobs to KMD
DLA task:It implements functions to process loadable buffer passed from application , allocate memory for tensors and intermediate buffers, prepare synchronization points, submit inference job to KMD。
1. Create NVDLA runtime instance
IRuntime *nvdla::createRuntime()
2. Get NVDLA device information
NvU16 nvdla::IRuntime::getMaxDevices()
NvU16 nvdla::IRuntime::getNumDevices()
3. Load network data
NvError nvdla::IRuntime::load(const NvU8 *buf, int instance)
4. Get input and output tensors information
NvError nvdla::IRuntime::getNumInputTensors(int *input_tensors)
NvError nvdla::IRuntime::getInputTensorDesc(int id, NvDlaTensor *tensors)
NvError nvdla::IRuntime::getNumOutputTensors(int *output_tensors)
NvError nvdla::IRuntime::getOutputTensorDesc(int id, NvDlaTensor *tensors)
5. Update input and output tensors information
NvError nvdla::IRuntime::setInputTensorDesc(int id, const NvDlaTensor *tensors)
NvError nvdla::IRuntime::setOutputTensorDesc(int id, const NvDlaTensor *tensors)
6. Allocate memory for input and output tensors
NvDlaError allocateSystemMemory(void **h_mem, NvU64 size, void **pData)
7. Bind memory handle with tensor
NvError nvdla::IRuntime::bindInputTensor(int id, void *hMem)
NvError nvdla::IRuntime::bindOutputTensor(int id, void *hMem)
8. Submit task for inference
NvError nvdla::IRuntime::submit()
9. Unload network resources
NvError nvdla::IRuntime::unload(int instance)
UMD和KMD都将功能分离出了一个可移植层,用来处理与硬件参数和操作系统关联性较强的操作。UMD的可移植层,其功能主要为可移植层communicate with KMD & OS dependent;implements functions to access NVDLA device;allocate DMA memory;submit task to low level driver。
Enum for error codes
Memory heap to allocate memory, NVDLA supports two memory interfaces. Generally these interfaces are connected to DRAM (System memory) and internal SRAM. KMD can maintain separate heaps for allocation depending on memory type.
Memory descriptor, it includes memory handle and buffer size.
DLA task structure. Runtime driver populates it using information from loadable and is used by portability layer to submit inference task to KMD in an implementation define manner.
NvError NvDlaInitialize(void **session_handle)
This API should initialize session for portability layer which may include allocating some structure required to maintain information such such device context, file descriptors. This function can be empty.
void NvDlaDestroy(void *session_handle)
Release all session resources
NvError NvDlaOpen(void *session_handle, NvU32 instance, void **device_handle)
This API should open DLA device instance. .
void NvDlaClose(void *session_handle, void *device_handle)
Close DLA device instance
NvError NvDlaSubmit(void *session_handle, void *device_handle, NvDlaTask *tasks, NvU32 num_tasks)
Submit inference task to KMD
NvError NvDlaAllocMem(void *session_handle, void *device_handle, void **mem_handle, void **pData, NvU32 size, NvDlaHeap heap)
Allocate, pin and map DLA engine accessible memory. For example, in case of systems where DLA is behind IOMMU then this call should ensure that IOMMU mappings are created for this memory. In case of Linux, internal implementation can use readily available frameworks such as ION for this.
NvError NvDlaFreeMem(void *session_handle, void *device_handle, void *mem_handle, void *pData, NvU32 size)
Free DMA memory allocated using NvDlaAllocMem()
void NvDlaDebugPrintf(const char *format, …)
Outputs a message to the debugging console, if present.
4.1.5 KMD
kernel mode driver and engine scheduler,scheduling the compiled network on NVDLA,programming the NVDLA registers to configure each functional block。
- receives an inference job in memory
- selects from multiple available jobs for execution
- submits to the core engine scheduler
core engine scheduler - dependency graph
- handling interrupts from NVDLA
- scheduling layers on each individual functional block
- updating any dependencies based upon the completion of the layer
1. Register driver with firmware during probe
int32_t dla_register_driver(void **engine_context, void *driver_context)
2. Driver submits task information for execution
int32_t dla_execute_task(void *engine_context, void *task_data)
3. Firmware programs hardware layer
4. Interrupt received from hardware
int32_t dla_isr_handler(void *engine_context)
5. Bottom half caller to process events after interrupt
int32_t dla_process_events(void *engine_context, uint32_t *task_complete)
6. Clean task and engine state
void dla_clear_task(void *engine_context)
Core Engine Interface
updating dependency counts, handling events and programming hardware layers;core module of DLA software and portable across different OS。
可移植层Portability Layer
OS services;memory allocation, read/write IO registers, interrupt notifications
- uint32_t dla_reg_read(void *driver_context, uint32_t addr)
- void dla_reg_write(void *driver_context, uint32_t addr, uint32_t reg)
- int32_t dla_read_dma_address(struct dla_task_desc *task_desc, int16_t index, void *dst)
- int32_t dla_read_cpu_address(struct dla_task_desc *task_desc, int16_t index, void *dst)
- int32_t dla_data_read(void *driver_context, void *task_data, uint64_t src, void *dst, uint32_t size, uint64_t offset)
- int32_t dla_data_write(void *driver_context, void *task_data, void *src, uint64_t dst, uint32_t size, uint64_t offset)
- int32_t dla_get_dma_address(void *driver_context, void *task_data, int16_t index, void *dst_ptr, uint32_t destination)
- int64_t dla_get_time_us(void)
- void *dla_memset(void *src, int ch, uint64_t len)
- void *dla_memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, uint64_t len)
- void dla_debug(const char *str, …)
- void dla_info(const char *str, …)
- void dla_warn(const char *str, …)
- void dla_error(const char *str, …)
4.2 NVDLA数据结构介绍
4.2.1 dla_processor
结构体dla_processor的定义是所有processor共用的,包括名称,操作类型以及一些索引,还包括称为dla_common_op_desc的共性操作。当然也包括一些子函数,如is_ready,enable,program等,在例化的时候根据不同的processor,会存在不同的操作。 首先是结构体dla_common_op_desc,包括索引,操作类型以及依赖计数等信息,其成员结构体dla_comsumer则包括依赖关系的索引/事件以及资源等地址信息。
4.2.2 nvdla_device
nvdla_device结构体,是NVDLA设备的主要载体。包括9个成员。irq是与该设备绑定的IRQ中断号。ref是该设备的参考计数器,与任务序列有关。base是该设备在系统地址空间中的基地址。nvdla_lock是中断前后作为同步使用的Spinlock。drm是DRM设备的实例载体。task是当前正在执行的任务的指针,pdev是NVDLA平台设备(Platform Device)的指针。event_notifier是用来等待硬件HW完成时返回事件的载体。engine_context是由dla_engine_init函数传递过来的私有数据。 结构体nvdla_device的引用主要存在nvdla_core_callbacks.c/nvdla_gem.c两个文件中,包括函数nvdla_submit(),函数nvdla_drm_probe()和函数nvdla_drm_remove(),函数dla_reg_write(),函数dla_reg_read(),函数dla_engine_isr(),函数dla_read_dma_address(),函数nvdla_task_submit(),函数nvdla_probe(),函数nvdla_remove()。部分函数之间存在调用关系。
4.2.3 nvdla_task
nvdla_task结构体是用户空间提交到KMD的任务信息载体;ref是任务的参考计数器;num_addresses是地址列表中的地址个数;nvdla_dev是NVDLA设备的指针;address_list是地址列表;file是DRM文件的实例。(在NVDIA内部应该是把NVDLA作为类似GPU的工作模式,数据交换模式采用DRM?) nvdla_task结构体的调用也是主要存在nvdla_core_callbacks.c/nvdla_gem.c两个文件中,包括函数nvdla_submit(),函数nvdla_fill_task_desc(),函数dla_read_dma_address(),函数dla_read_cpu_address(),函数dla_data_write(),函数dla_data_read(),函数nvdla_task_submit()。
4.3 不同的软件执行流程
4.3.1 从main()函数到NvDlaSubmit再到nvdla_submit
接下来就是重头戏run()函数了。在这个函数中,就能够看到nvdla_runtime执行的时候输出的第一条打印信息“creating new runtime context…”。run()函数首先调用nvdla::createRuntime()函数进行运行时环境的创建工作,之后根据工作模式,选择是否先读入可执行文件loadable,分别调用readLoadable()函数和loadLoadable()函数,最后调用runTest()函数,执行推理过程。
preProcessTest()函数,则会根据输入图像的三维信息,channel,height,width等,以及用户输入的选项,对像素点进行处理,主要的处理公式为powf(i->imgShift + (i->imgScalingFactor * x), i->imgPowerFactor)。
预处理完成以后,就会调用runtime->submit()函数,再调用Runtime::submitInternal()函数,这个函数也是UMD API中关于任务提交的最后一层函数,函数首先判断task和submit是否为空,即是否存在可调度的任务。之后,循环依次提交任务给UMD的可移植层。在提交任务之前,首先调用getDLADeviceContext()函数,对NVDLA设备进行初始化并打开设备的文件句柄。并调用fillTaskAddressList()函数,将当前task的地址列表存入相应的地址空间以供调用。最后调用NvDlaSubmit()函数,提交任务。
NvDlaSubmit()函数位于UMD的可移植层,其通过ioctl()系统调用,借助Linux内核程序,将任务下发给NVDLA的驱动程序KMD中,也就是nvdla_task_submit()函数,这个后面会再介绍。在这里对任务和地址列表又进行了处理,具体目的还得后续深入学习之后再进行介绍说明。ioctl(dla_device->fd, DRM_IOCTL_NVDLA_SUBMIT, &args),这里可能需要了解DRM的原理。宏定义#define DRM_IOCTL_NVDLA_SUBMIT DRM_IOWR( DRM_COMMAND_BASE + DRM_NVDLA_SUBMIT, struct nvdla_submit_args),来调用KMD的内核程序nvdla_submit()。
4.3.2 NVDLA KMD Workflow(工作流程)
dla_execute_task函数的第一步就是读取网络的配置信息。网络的配置信息一般都存放于DRAM中,并且包含其他配置信息的偏移量。这一步的操作比较多,这里为了说明读写的先后顺序,并且为了更容易理解,按照函数出现的先后顺序,进行介绍。<1>函数dla_read_address_list(),按照注释,将地址列表从DRAM读到DMEM中。<2>函数dla_get_dma_address(),从地址列表中将网络描述符(network descriptor)地址读出来,该地址的索引始终为0,即首地址,存放在(void *)&network_addr。<3>函数dla_data_read(),获取网络描述符,包括一个网络的所有信息,例如所有的地址索引,存放在(void *)&network。<4>函数dla_debug_network_desc(),用来判断该网络的操作数是否为0,即空操作。<5>函数dla_get_dma_address(),从地址列表中将操作描述符(operator descriptor)列表地址读出来,存放在(void *)&task->operation_desc_addr。<6>函数dla_get_dma_address(),从地址列表中将表面描述符(surface descriptor)列表地址读出来,存放在(void *)&task->surface_desc_addr。<7>函数dla_get_dma_address(),从地址列表中将依赖图(dependency graph)地址读出来,存放在(void *)&task->dependency_graph_addr。<8>函数dla_get_dma_address(),从地址列表中将LUT数据列表地址读出来,存放在(void *)&task->lut_data_addr。<9>如果使能了动态ROI模式(Dynamic ROI),则需要从地址列表中将ROI矩阵的地址读出来,存放在(void *)&task->roi_array_addr中;且将ROI矩阵的长度读出来,存放在(void *)&roi_array_length中;同时,需要判断检测到的ROI矩阵长度是否超过了网络所能处理的最大长度;最后,从地址列表中将表面地址读出来,存放在(void *)&task->surface_addr。<10>如果使能了STAT_ENABLE,则调用函数dla_get_dma_address()将状态数据的地址读出来,存放在(void *)&task->stat_data_addr。可见函数dla_read_network_config()的主要操作就是函数dla_get_dma_address(),而且存在一个目的标识,指示地址是CPU类型还是DMA类型。
首先就是获取操作描述符函数dla_get_op_desc(),这个函数中有个宏定义DLA_OP_CACHE_SIZE,它的值计算公式为(DLA_NUM_GROUPS * ((DLA_OP_NUM + 2) * 2)),可以算出来是(2(6+2)2)=32。按照惯例,还是遵循函数的执行过程。<1>首先判断描述符desc是否为空,不为空则将计算依赖图的偏移地址,并存入dep_graph_addr中。<2>计算同一个操作下描述符的个数。<3>获取操作的描述符,通过函数dla_data_read()完成,放入变量desc中。如果从DRAM中获取的操作类型和描述符中的操作类型不一致,则报错,并释放相应的内存空间。否则更新描述符desc中的index和roi_index值。<4>在for循环的最后,用断言确保Refcount在第一次访问DRAM的时候为0。
准备dla_prepare_operation()函数,主要是获取空闲的处理器单元processor和一组寄存器group。首先调用函数utils_get_free_group()判断RDMA或者CDP是否空闲,如果空闲则返回消费者(consumer group)id和rdma的id。其次需要更新操作的描述符,调用函数dla_get_refcount(),主要更新index和roi_index;并且更新rdma_id。更新完成操作描述符以后,调用函数dla_read_config()获取操作描述符和表面描述符,以供计算使用。并且设置group->pending为1,且更新processor->group_status。最后调用processor->rdma_check()函数判断是否需要RDMA模块,如果需要,则更新group->rdma_id和processor->rdma_status。
编程函数dla_program_operation(),编程函数内部会调用更多的底层驱动函数,因为需要配置NVDLA的内部寄存器,这也就涉及到之前章节中介绍到的一组子函数。例如在函数开始执行的时候,就调用processor->set_producer(group->id, group->rdma_id)函数,来进行配置。在网络最开始执行的时候,使能的处理器单元是Convolution,因此调用dla_conv_set_producer()函数,对所有子模块的产生者指针(producer pointer)进行设置;这里包括CACC_REG,CMAC_A_REG,CMAC_B_REG,CSC_REG,CDMA_REG等。然后调用函数processor->program()进行配置,这里依然以dla_conv_program()函数为例进行介绍;在函数dla_conv_program()内部,接着调用函数processor_conv_program(),会对Convolution处理器单元的配置寄存器进行配置,具体操作可参见文件github-sw\sw-master\kmd\firmware\conv.c。接着在一个循环内部借助函数dla_get_op_desc()搜索当前处理器的操作描述符,并对索引进行更新。这里还有个变量fused_parent,也会通过函数dla_get_op_desc(),进行描述更新(??不是太明白这个变量的含义)。接着就调用函数dla_op_program()对当前任务的依赖图信息进行更新,这部分工作由函数dla_update_consumer()来完成。在函数dla_update_consumer()中,循环调用函数dla_update_dependency()来完成更新操作。在函数dla_update_dependency()内部,会依次对操作的依赖关系进行解析,当op_desc->dependency_count为0的时候,调用函数dla_enable_operation(),进行使能操作,调用函数processor->enable(),这里对于Convolution处理器单元来讲,就是函数dla_conv_enable(),分别对各个模块的D_OP_ENABLE寄存器进行使能置位。在这里有个先后逻辑的问题,如果某一个处理器单元没有被编程,那么并不会使能该模块。
4.4 一些函数实现细节(Function Implementation Details)
4.4.1 va_start & va_end
void fun(const char *str, ...)
va_list args;
va_start(args, str);
vprintk(str, args);
void foo(…);
void foo(parm_list,…);
void func(int x, float y, char z);
那么,调用函数的时候,实参 char z 先进栈,然后是 float y,最后是 int x,因此在内存中变量的存放次序是 x->y->z,因此,从理论上说,我们只要探测到任意一个变量的地址,并且知道其他变量的类型,通过指针移位运算,则总可以顺藤摸瓜找到其他的输入变量。
typedef char* va_list;
void va_start ( va_list ap, prev_param ); /* ANSI version */
type va_arg ( va_list ap, type );
void va_end ( va_list ap );
va_list 是一个字符指针,可以理解为指向当前参数的一个指针,取参必须通过这个指针进行。
<Step 1> 在调用参数表之前,定义一个 va_list 类型的变量,(假设va_list 类型变量被定义为ap);
<Step 2> 然后应该对ap 进行初始化,让它指向可变参数表里面的第一个参数,这是通过 va_start 来实现的,第一个参数是 ap 本身,第二个参数是在变参表前面紧挨着的一个变量,即“…”之前的那个参数;
<Step 3> 然后是获取参数,调用va_arg,它的第一个参数是ap,第二个参数是要获取的参数的指定类型,然后返回这个指定类型的值,并且把 ap 的位置指向变参表的下一个变量位置;
<Step 4> 获取所有的参数之后,我们有必要将这个 ap 指针关掉,以免发生危险,方法是调用 va_end,他是输入的参数 ap 置为 NULL,应该养成获取完参数表之后关闭指针的习惯。说白了,就是让我们的程序具有健壮性。通常va_start和va_end是成对出现。
5 Neural Networks & Simulations[神经网络及其仿真]
5.1 LeNet
5.2 AlexNet
5.3 GoogLeNet
5.4 MobileNet
5.5 ResNet
5.5.1 使用VP仿真ResNet-18
采用NVDLA VP平台进行ResNet-18仿真的步骤:
- 准备工作
根据nvdla.org网站或者NVDLA-VP-for-Beginners搭建NVDLA sw(编译网络模型)和vp(进行仿真)开发环境。
- 编译ResNet-18
在NVDLA sw开发环境下,采用prebuilt的nvdla_compiler编译ResNet-18的caffemodel(下载地址:resnet-18.caffemodel),获得nvdla_runtime需要的可执行文件。如果不想编译,只是完成仿真的话,可以直接下载编译好的文件:resnet1801.nvdla。
- 使用VP仿真
启动NVDLA VP仿真平台,登陆进去以后,需要先mount一下设备,然后insert两个内核模块,drm和nvdla。最保险的就是用-h选项,查看一下你checkout的时候nvdla_runtime有哪些新的选项可以调用。直接执行下列命令:
./nvdla_runtime --loadable resnet1801.nvdla --image dog.jpg --normalize 1.0 --mean 104.00698793,116.66876762,122.67891434 --rawdump
- 类别判决
- 结论
5.6 VGG-Net
5.7 YOLO
5.7.1 Papers
You Only Look Once: Unified, Real-Time Object Detection