## RISC-V opcode 结构体
## RISC-V Opcode Argumets含义
## Gnu Binutils as RISC-V Dependent Features
### RISC-V指令格式中用到的OPCODE名称
### RISC-V指令格式中用到的标号
### RISC-V指令格式
### RISC-V相关的选项
## Pulp RISCY新增指令
### Post-Incrementing Load & Store Instructions
### Hardware Loops
### ALU
### Multiply-Accumulate
### Vectorial
## GNU Binutils Commands with Examples
### as - GNU Assembler Command
### ld – GNU Linker Command
### ar – GNU Archive Command
### nm – List Object File Symbols
### objcopy – Copy and Translate Object Files
### objdump – Display Object File Information
### size – List Section Size and Toal Size
### strings – Display Printable Characters from a File
### strip – Discard Symbols from Object File
### c++filt – Demangle Command
### addr2line – Convert Address to Filename and Numbers
### readelf – Display ELF File Info
RISC-V opcode 结构体的定义
/* This structure holds information for a particular instruction. */
struct riscv_opcode
/* The name of the instruction. */
const char *name;
/* The ISA subset name (I, M, A, F, D, Xextension). */
const char *subset;
/* A string describing the arguments for this instruction. */
const char *args;
/* The basic opcode for the instruction. When assembling, this
opcode is modified by the arguments to produce the actual opcode
that is used. If pinfo is INSN_MACRO, then this is 0. */
insn_t match;
/* If pinfo is not INSN_MACRO, then this is a bit mask for the
relevant portions of the opcode when disassembling. If the
actual opcode anded with the match field equals the opcode field,
then we have found the correct instruction. If pinfo is
INSN_MACRO, then this field is the macro identifier. */
insn_t mask;
/* A function to determine if a word corresponds to this instruction.
Usually, this computes ((word & mask) == match). */
int (*match_func) (const struct riscv_opcode *op, insn_t word);
/* For a macro, this is INSN_MACRO. Otherwise, it is a collection
of bits describing the instruction, notably any relevant hazard
information. */
unsigned long pinfo;
RISC-V Opcode Argumets含义
The order of overloaded instructions matters. Label arguments and
register arguments look the same. Instructions that can have either
for arguments must apear in the correct order in this table for the
assembler to pick the right one. In other words, entries with
immediate operands must apear after the same instruction with
Because of the lookup algorithm used, entries with the same opcode
name must be contiguous.
- C RVC的意思
- s/w RVC,RS1 x8-x15
- t/x RVC,RS2 x8-x15
- U RVC,RS1,与RD相同
- c RVC,RS1,与sp相同
- p RVC,info->target = EXTRACT_RVC_B_IMM (l) + pc; (*info->print_address_func) (info->target, info);
- a RVC,info->target = EXTRACT_RVC_J_IMM (l) + pc; (*info->print_address_func) (info->target, info);
- < RVC,EXTRACT_RVC_IMM (l) & 0x1f
- T RVC,floating-point RS2, EXTRACT_OPERAND (CRS2, l)
D RVC,floating-point RS2 x8-x15, EXTRACT_OPERAND (CRS2S, l) + 8
- s riscv_gpr_names[rs1]
- m arg_print (info, EXTRACT_OPERAND (RM, l), riscv_rm, ARRAY_SIZE (riscv_rm));
- P arg_print (info, EXTRACT_OPERAND (PRED, l), riscv_pred_succ, ARRAY_SIZE (riscv_pred_succ));
- Q arg_print (info, EXTRACT_OPERAND (SUCC, l), riscv_pred_succ, ARRAY_SIZE (riscv_pred_succ));
- j if (((l & MASK_ADDI) == MATCH_ADDI && rs1 != 0) || (l & MASK_JALR) == MATCH_JALR) maybe_print_address (pd, rs1, EXTRACT_ITYPE_IMM (l));
- q maybe_print_address (pd, rs1, EXTRACT_STYPE_IMM (l));
- a info->target = EXTRACT_UJTYPE_IMM (l) + pc;
- p info->target = EXTRACT_SBTYPE_IMM (l) + pc;
- d
if ((l & MASK_AUIPC) == MATCH_AUIPC) pd->hi_addr[rd] = pc + EXTRACT_UTYPE_IMM (l); else if ((l & MASK_LUI) == MATCH_LUI) pd->hi_addr[rd] = EXTRACT_UTYPE_IMM (l); else if ((l & MASK_C_LUI) == MATCH_C_LUI) pd->hi_addr[rd] = EXTRACT_RVC_LUI_IMM (l);
- z riscv_gpr_names[0]
- S/U riscv_fpr_names[rs1]
- T riscv_fpr_names[EXTRACT_OPERAND (RS2, l)]
- D riscv_fpr_names[rd]
- R riscv_fpr_names[EXTRACT_OPERAND (RS3, l)]
- E
const char* csr_name = NULL; unsigned int csr = EXTRACT_OPERAND (CSR, l); switch (csr) { #define DECLARE_CSR(name, num) case num: csr_name = #name; break; #include "opcode/riscv-opc.h" #undef DECLARE_CSR } if (csr_name) print (info->stream, "%s", csr_name); else print (info->stream, "0x%x", csr); break;
在gas/config/tc-riscv.c文件中,也有对这些oprand的解释,具体如下(这里参考的是ri5cy_gnu_toolchain-master中的代码): ``` /* For consistency checking, verify that all bits are specified either by the match/mask part of the instruction definition, or by the operand list. */ static int validate_riscv_insn (const struct riscv_opcode *opc) { const char *p = opc->args; char c; insn_t used_bits = opc->mask; int insn_width = 8 * riscv_insn_length (opc->match); insn_t required_bits = ~0ULL » (64 - insn_width);
if ((used_bits & opc->match) != (opc->match & required_bits)) { as_bad (_(“internal: bad RISC-V opcode (mask error): %s %s. Used bits: %lX, Match bits: %lX, Required bits: %lX, Eval: %lX, Insn width=%d”), opc->name, opc->args, used_bits, opc->match, required_bits, (used_bits & opc->match), insn_width); return 0; }
#define USE_BITS(mask,shift) (used_bits |= ((insn_t)(mask) « (shift)))
while (p)
switch (c = *p++)
/ Xcustom /
case ‘^’:
switch (c = *p++)
case ‘d’: USE_BITS (OP_MASK_RD, OP_SH_RD); break;
case ‘s’: USE_BITS (OP_MASK_RS1, OP_SH_RS1); break;
case ‘t’: USE_BITS (OP_MASK_RS2, OP_SH_RS2); break;
case ‘C’: / RVC /
switch (c = *p++)
case ‘a’: used_bits |= ENCODE_RVC_J_IMM(-1U); break;
case ‘c’: break; / RS1, constrained to equal sp /
case ‘i’: used_bits |= ENCODE_RVC_SIMM3(-1U); break;
case ‘j’: used_bits |= ENCODE_RVC_IMM(-1U); break;
case ‘k’: used_bits |= ENCODE_RVC_LW_IMM(-1U); break;
case ‘l’: used_bits |= ENCODE_RVC_LD_IMM(-1U); break;
case ‘m’: used_bits |= ENCODE_RVC_LWSP_IMM(-1U); break;
case ‘n’: used_bits |= ENCODE_RVC_LDSP_IMM(-1U); break;
case ‘p’: used_bits |= ENCODE_RVC_B_IMM(-1U); break;
case ‘s’: USE_BITS (OP_MASK_CRS1S, OP_SH_CRS1S); break;
case ‘t’: USE_BITS (OP_MASK_CRS2S, OP_SH_CRS2S); break;
case ‘u’: used_bits |= ENCODE_RVC_IMM(-1U); break;
case ‘v’: used_bits |= ENCODE_RVC_IMM(-1U); break;
case ‘w’: break; / RS1S, constrained to equal RD /
case ‘x’: break; / RS2S, constrained to equal RD /
case ‘K’: used_bits |= ENCODE_RVC_ADDI4SPN_IMM(-1U); break;
case ‘L’: used_bits |= ENCODE_RVC_ADDI16SP_IMM(-1U); break;
case ‘M’: used_bits |= ENCODE_RVC_SWSP_IMM(-1U); break;
case ‘N’: used_bits |= ENCODE_RVC_SDSP_IMM(-1U); break;
case ‘U’: break; / RS1, constrained to equal RD */
case ‘V’: USE_BITS (OP_MASK_CRS2, OP_SH_CRS2); break;
case ‘<’: used_bits |= ENCODE_RVC_IMM(-1U); break;
case ‘>’: used_bits |= ENCODE_RVC_IMM(-1U); break;
case ‘T’: USE_BITS (OP_MASK_CRS2, OP_SH_CRS2); break;
case ‘D’: USE_BITS (OP_MASK_CRS2S, OP_SH_CRS2S); break;
as_bad ((“internal: bad RISC-V opcode (unknown operand type C%c'): %s %s"),
c, opc->name, opc->args);
return 0;
case ',': break;
case '(': break;
case ')': break;
case '!': break;
case '>': USE_BITS (OP_MASK_SHAMT, OP_SH_SHAMT); break;
case 'A': break;
case 'D': USE_BITS (OP_MASK_RD, OP_SH_RD); break;
case 'Z': USE_BITS (OP_MASK_RS1, OP_SH_RS1); break;
case 'E': USE_BITS (OP_MASK_CSR, OP_SH_CSR); break;
case 'I': break;
case 'R': USE_BITS (OP_MASK_RS3, OP_SH_RS3); break;
case 'S': USE_BITS (OP_MASK_RS1, OP_SH_RS1); break;
case 'U': USE_BITS (OP_MASK_RS1, OP_SH_RS1); /* fallthru */
case 'T': USE_BITS (OP_MASK_RS2, OP_SH_RS2); break;
case 'd': USE_BITS (OP_MASK_RD, OP_SH_RD); if (*p == 'i') ++p; break;
case 'm': USE_BITS (OP_MASK_RM, OP_SH_RM); break;
case 's': USE_BITS (OP_MASK_RS1, OP_SH_RS1); break;
case 't': USE_BITS (OP_MASK_RS2, OP_SH_RS2); break;
case 'r': USE_BITS (OP_MASK_RS3I, OP_SH_RS3I); break;
case 'P': USE_BITS (OP_MASK_PRED, OP_SH_PRED); break;
case 'Q': USE_BITS (OP_MASK_SUCC, OP_SH_SUCC); break;
case 'o':
case 'j': used_bits |= ENCODE_ITYPE_IMM(-1U); if (*p == 'i') ++p; break;
case 'a': used_bits |= ENCODE_UJTYPE_IMM(-1U); break;
case 'p': used_bits |= ENCODE_SBTYPE_IMM(-1U); break;
case 'q': used_bits |= ENCODE_STYPE_IMM(-1U); break;
case 'u': used_bits |= ENCODE_UTYPE_IMM(-1U); break;
case '[': break;
case ']': break;
case '0': break;
case 'b':
if (*p == '1') {
used_bits |= ENCODE_ITYPE_IMM(-1U); /* For loop I type pc rel displacement */
++p; break;
} else if (*p == '2') {
used_bits |= ENCODE_I1TYPE_UIMM(-1U); /* For loop I1 type pc rel displacement */
++p; break;
} else if (*p == '3') {
used_bits |= ENCODE_I1TYPE_UIMM(-1U); /* For scallimm */
++p; break;
} else if (*p == '5') {
used_bits |= ENCODE_I5TYPE_UIMM(-1U);
++p; break;
} else if (*p == 'i') {
used_bits |= ENCODE_I5_1_TYPE_UIMM(-1U);
++p; break;
} else if (*p == 'I') {
used_bits |= ENCODE_I5_1_TYPE_IMM(-1U);
++p; break;
} else if (*p == 's' || *p == 'u' || *p == 'U' || *p == 'f' || *p == 'F') {
used_bits |= ENCODE_I6TYPE_IMM(-1U);
++p; break;
as_bad (_("internal: bad RISC-V opcode (unknown operand type
%c’): %s %s”),
c, opc->name, opc->args);
return 0;
#undef USE_BITS
if (used_bits != required_bits)
as_bad ((“internal: bad RISC-V opcode (bits 0x%lx undefined): %s %s, width=%d”),
~(long)(used_bits & required_bits), opc->name, opc->args, insn_width);
return 0;
return 1;
## Gnu Binutils as RISC-V Dependent Features
[9.38 RISC-V Dependent Features](https://sourceware.org/binutils/docs/as/RISC_002dV_002dDependent.html#RISC_002dV_002dDependent)
### RISC-V指令格式中用到的标号
- opcode Unsigned immediate or opcode name for 7-bits opcode.
- opcode2 Unsigned immediate or opcode name for 2-bits opcode. 主要用于C指令集
- func7 Unsigned immediate for 7-bits function code. I指令集的R类型
- func6 Unsigned immediate for 6-bits function code. 主要用于C指令集CA类型
- func4 Unsigned immediate for 4-bits function code. 主要用于C指令集CR类型
- func3 Unsigned immediate for 3-bits function code.
- func2 Unsigned immediate for 2-bits function code. R4类型和C指令集CR类型
- rd Destination register number for operand x, can be GPR or FPR.
- rd’ Destination register number for operand x,only accept s0-s1, a0-a5, fs0-fs1 and fa0-fa5. 主要用于C指令集CIW、CA类型
- rs1 First source register number for operand x, can be GPR or FPR.
- rs1’ First source register number for operand x,only accept s0-s1, a0-a5, fs0-fs1 and fa0-fa5. 主要用于C指令集CB、CA类型
- rs2 Second source register number for operand x, can be GPR or FPR.
- rs2’ Second source register number for operand x,only accept s0-s1, a0-a5, fs0-fs1 and fa0-fa5.主要用于C指令集CA类型
- simm12 Sign-extended 12-bit immediate for operand x.
- simm20 Sign-extended 20-bit immediate for operand x.
- simm6 Sign-extended 6-bit immediate for operand x.主要用于C指令集CI类型
- uimm8 Unsigned 8-bit immediate for operand x.主要用于C指令集CIW类型
- symbol Symbol or lable reference for operand x.
### RISC-V指令格式中用到的OPCODE名称
- C0
- C1
- C2
Opcode space for compressed instructions.
Opcode space for load instructions.
Opcode space for floating-point load instructions.
Opcode space for store instructions.
Opcode space for floating-point store instructions.
Opcode space for auipc instruction.
Opcode space for lui instruction.
Opcode space for branch instructions.
Opcode space for jal instruction.
Opcode space for jalr instruction.
- OP
Opcode space for ALU instructions.
- OP_32
Opcode space for 32-bits ALU instructions.
Opcode space for ALU with immediate instructions.
- OP_IMM_32
Opcode space for 32-bits ALU with immediate instructions.
Opcode space for floating-point operation instructions.
Opcode space for madd instruction.
Opcode space for msub instruction.
Opcode space for nmadd instruction.
Opcode space for msub instruction.
Opcode space for atomic memory operation instructions.
Opcode space for misc instructions.
Opcode space for system instructions.
Opcode space for customize instructions.
### RISC-V指令格式
R type: .insn r opcode, func3, func7, rd, rs1, rs2
| func7 | rs2 | rs1 | func3 | rd | opcode |
31 25 20 15 12 7 0
R type with 4 register operands: .insn r opcode, func3, func2, rd, rs1, rs2, rs3
R4 type: .insn r4 opcode, func3, func2, rd, rs1, rs2, rs3
| rs3 | func2 | rs2 | rs1 | func3 | rd | opcode |
31 27 25 20 15 12 7 0
I type: .insn i opcode, func3, rd, rs1, simm12
| simm12 | rs1 | func3 | rd | opcode |
31 20 15 12 7 0
S type: .insn s opcode, func3, rd, rs1, simm12
| simm12[11:5] | rs2 | rs1 | func3 | simm12[4:0] | opcode |
31 25 20 15 12 7 0
SB type: .insn sb opcode, func3, rd, rs1, symbol
SB type: .insn sb opcode, func3, rd, simm12(rs1)
B type: .insn s opcode, func3, rd, rs1, symbol
B type: .insn s opcode, func3, rd, simm12(rs1)
| simm12[12] | simm12[10:5] | rs2 | rs1 | func3 | simm12[4:1] | simm12[11]] | opcode |
31 30 25 20 15 12 7 0
U type: .insn u opcode, rd, simm20
| simm20 | rd | opcode |
31 12 7 0
UJ type: .insn uj opcode, rd, symbol
J type: .insn j opcode, rd, symbol
| simm20[20] | simm20[10:1] | simm20[11] | simm20[19:12] | rd | opcode |
31 30 21 20 12 7 0
CR type: .insn cr opcode2, func4, rd, rs2
| func4 | rd/rs1 | rs2 | opcode2 |
15 12 7 2 0
CI type: .insn ci opcode2, func3, rd, simm6
| func3 | imm | rd/rs1 | imm | opcode2 |
15 13 12 7 2 0
CIW type: .insn ciw opcode2, func3, rd, uimm8
| func3 | imm | rd' | opcode2 |
15 13 7 2 0
CA type: .insn ca opcode2, func6, func2, rd, rs2
| func6 | rd'/rs1' | func2 | rs2' | opcode |
15 10 7 5 2 0
CB type: .insn cb opcode2, func3, rs1, symbol
| func3 | offset | rs1' | offset | opcode2 |
15 13 10 7 2 0
CJ type: .insn cj opcode2, symbol
| func3 | jump target | opcode2 |
15 13 7 2 0
### RISC-V相关的选项
- fpic
- fPIC
Generate position-independent code
- fno-pic
Don’t generate position-independent code (default)
- march=ISA
Select the base isa, as specified by ISA. For example -march=rv32ima.
- mabi=ABI
Selects the ABI, which is either "ilp32" or "lp64", optionally followed by "f", "d", or "q" to indicate single-precision, double-precision, or quad-precision floating-point calling convention, or none to indicate the soft-float calling convention. Also, "ilp32" can optionally be followed by "e" to indicate the RVE ABI, which is always soft-float.
- mrelax
Take advantage of linker relaxations to reduce the number of instructions required to materialize symbol addresses. (default)
- mno-relax
Don’t do linker relaxations.
## Pulp RISCY新增指令
### Post-Incrementing Load & Store Instructions(24条)
Post-Incrementing load and store instructions perform a load, or a store, respectively, while at the same time
incrementing the address that was used for the memory access. Since it is a post-incrementing scheme, the
base address is used for the access and the modified address is written back to the register-file. There are
versions of those instructions that use immediates and those that use registers as offsets. The base address
always comes from a register.
### Hardware Loops(6条)
RI5CY supports 2 levels of nested hardware loops. The loop has to be setup before entering the loop body.
For this purpose, there are two methods, either the long commands that separately set start- and end-
addresses of the loop and the number of iterations, or the short command that does all of this in a single
instruction. The short command has a limited range for the number of instructions contained in the loop and
the loop must start in the next instruction after the setup instruction.
Loop number 0 has higher priority than loop number 1 in a nested loop configuration, meaning that loop 0
represents the inner loop.
A hardware loop is subject to the following constraints:
- Minimum of 2 instructions in the loop body.
- Loop counter has to be bigger than 0, since the loop body is always entered at least once.
### ALU(48条)
The ALU extensions are split into several subgroups that belong together.
- Bit manipulation instructions are useful to work on single bits or groups of bits within a word, see
Section 14.3.1.
- General ALU instructions try to fuse common used sequences into a single instruction and thus
increase the performance of small kernels that use those sequence, see Section 14.3.3.
- Immediate branching instructions are useful to compare a register with an immediate value before
taking or not a branch, see Section 13.3.5.
### Multiply-Accumulate(22条)
- 32-Bit x 32-Bit Multiplication Operations
- 16-Bit x 16-Bit Multiplication
### Vectorial(200条)
Vectorial instructions perform operations in a SIMD-like manner on multiple sub-word elements at the same
time. This is done by segmenting the data path into smaller parts when 8 or 16-bit operations should be
Vectorial instructions are available in two flavors:
- 8-Bit, to perform four operations on the 4 bytes inside a 32-bit word at the same time
- 16-Bit, to perform two operations on the 2 half-words inside a 32-bit word at the same time
Additionally, there are three modes that influence the second operand:
- 1. Normal mode, vector-vector operation. Both operands, from rs1 and rs2, are treated as vectors of
bytes or half-words.
- 2. Scalar replication mode (.sc), vector-scalar operation. Operand 1 is treated as a vector, while
operand 2 is treated as a scalar and replicated two or four times to form a complete vector. The LSP
is used for this purpose.
- 3. Immediate scalar replication mode (.sci), vector-scalar operation. Operand 1 is treated as vector,
while operand 2 is treated as a scalar and comes from an immediate. The immediate is either sign-
or zero-extended, depending on the operation. If not specified, the immediate is sign-extended.
## GNU Binutils Commands with Examples
Gnu Binutils是GNU Toolchain中重要的工具,包括下列子程序,完成汇编、链接等功能。
- as – GNU Assembler Command
- ld – GNU Linker Command
- ar – GNU Archive Command
- nm – List Object File Symbols
- objcopy – Copy and Translate Object Files
- objdump – Display Object File Information
- size – List Section Size and Toal Size
- strings – Display Printable Characters from a File
- strip – Discard Symbols from Object File
- c++filt – Demangle Command
- addr2line – Convert Address to Filename and Numbers
- readelf – Display ELF File Info
// func1.c file: int func1() { return func2(); }
// func2.c file: int func2() { return 1; }
// main.c file: int main() { return func1(); }
在进行下一步之前,我们先调用gcc -S将c程序代码转换成s文件。
- func2.s
.file “func2.c” .option nopic .text .align 1 .globl func2 .type func2, @function func2: addi sp,sp,-16 sd s0,8(sp) addi s0,sp,16 li a5,1 mv a0,a5 ld s0,8(sp) addi sp,sp,16 jr ra .size func2, .-func2 .ident “GCC: (GNU) 7.2.0”
- func1.s
.file "func1.c"
.option nopic
.align 1
.globl func2
.type func2, @function func2:
addi sp,sp,-16
sd s0,8(sp)
addi s0,sp,16
li a5,1
mv a0,a5
ld s0,8(sp)
addi sp,sp,16
jr ra
.size func2, .-func2
.align 1
.globl func1
.type func1, @function func1:
addi sp,sp,-16
sd ra,8(sp)
sd s0,0(sp)
addi s0,sp,16
call func2
mv a5,a0
mv a0,a5
ld ra,8(sp)
ld s0,0(sp)
addi sp,sp,16
jr ra
.size func1, .-func1
.ident "GCC: (GNU) 7.2.0" ```
- main.s
.file "main.c"
.option nopic
.align 1
.globl func2
.type func2, @function
addi sp,sp,-16
sd s0,8(sp)
addi s0,sp,16
li a5,1
mv a0,a5
ld s0,8(sp)
addi sp,sp,16
jr ra
.size func2, .-func2
.align 1
.globl func1
.type func1, @function
addi sp,sp,-16
sd ra,8(sp)
sd s0,0(sp)
addi s0,sp,16
call func2
mv a5,a0
mv a0,a5
ld ra,8(sp)
ld s0,0(sp)
addi sp,sp,16
jr ra
.size func1, .-func1
.align 1
.globl main
.type main, @function
addi sp,sp,-16
sd ra,8(sp)
sd s0,0(sp)
addi s0,sp,16
call func1
mv a5,a0
mv a0,a5
ld ra,8(sp)
ld s0,0(sp)
addi sp,sp,16
jr ra
.size main, .-main
.ident "GCC: (GNU) 7.2.0"
as - GNU Assembler Command
as工具的输入是汇编代码,输出是目标文件。输出目标文件作为ld的输入,最后生成可执行文件。 目标文件是ELF格式。
llvm@llvm-vm:~/workspace/gem5/tests/test-progs/test-gnubinutils$ ../../../../freedom/rocket-chip/riscv-tools/riscv-tc-new/bin/riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-as main.s -o main.o
llvm@llvm-vm:~/workspace/gem5/tests/test-progs/test-gnubinutils$ file main.o
main.o: ELF 64-bit LSB relocatable, UCB RISC-V, version 1 (SYSV), not stripped
ld – GNU Linker Command
ar – GNU Archive Command
nm – List Object File Symbols
objcopy – Copy and Translate Object Files
objdump – Display Object File Information
size – List Section Size and Toal Size
llvm@llvm-vm:~/workspace/gem5/tests/test-progs/test-gnubinutils$ ../../../../freedom/rocket-chip/riscv-tools/riscv-tc-new/bin/riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-size main.o
text data bss dec hex filename
128 0 0 128 80 main.o
strings – Display Printable Characters from a File
llvm@llvm-vm:~/workspace/gem5/tests/test-progs/test-gnubinutils$ ../../../../freedom/rocket-chip/riscv-tools/riscv-tc-new/bin/riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-strings -a main.o
GCC: (GNU) 7.2.0
strip – Discard Symbols from Object File
llvm@llvm-vm:~/workspace/gem5/tests/test-progs/test-gnubinutils$ ../../../../freedom/rocket-chip/riscv-tools/riscv-tc-new/bin/riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-objdump -t main.o
main.o: file format elf64-littleriscv
0000000000000000 l df *ABS* 0000000000000000 main.c
0000000000000000 l d .text 0000000000000000 .text
0000000000000000 l d .data 0000000000000000 .data
0000000000000000 l d .bss 0000000000000000 .bss
0000000000000000 l d .comment 0000000000000000 .comment
0000000000000000 g F .text 0000000000000020 func2
0000000000000020 g F .text 0000000000000030 func1
0000000000000050 g F .text 0000000000000030 main
llvm@llvm-vm:~/workspace/gem5/tests/test-progs/test-gnubinutils$ ../../../../freedom/rocket-chip/riscv-tools/riscv-tc-new/bin/riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-strip main.o
llvm@llvm-vm:~/workspace/gem5/tests/test-progs/test-gnubinutils$ ../../../../freedom/rocket-chip/riscv-tools/riscv-tc-new/bin/riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-objdump -t main.o
main.o: file format elf64-littleriscv
no symbols